Selam Osman,

Did you try void osg::Image::setOrigin (
  *origin*  )  [inline]function before convert TopLeft image to BottomLeft?
May be you won't need any flipping operation before setImage funtion. And
another hint, are you sure your captured image's depth is IPL_DEPTH_8U from
OpenCV. You have set GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE to image type but may be your type
could be IPL_DEPTH_16U or IPL_DEPTH_32U.

Hope this helps.

Ümit Uzun

2010/5/29 Osman Hancer <>

> Hi,
> I want to convert an OpenCV IplImage to an OSG image. For this, I first
> fliped image from top-left to bottom-left by
> cvConvertImage(cvImg , cvImg, CV_CVTIMG_FLIP);
> then converted BGR to RGB color format by
> cvCvtColor( cvImg, cvImg, CV_BGR2RGB );
> then I used setImage to do the actual conversion.
> osgImg->setImage(cvImg->width,cvImg->height, 3,
>                        GL_RGB, GL_RGB,
> GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,(BYTE*)(cvImg->imageData),osg::Image::AllocationMode::NO_DELETE
>        ,1);
> The result is not what I expected. First of all, the result is in Greyscale
> and image seems to shifted a little bit. You can see the results form the
> attached picture.
> Do you have any idea about the problem?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> osman
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