Hi All,

I've just wrapped up my work for the week, and taking this afternoon
and whole weekend off!  The car is packed with food, camping and
running equipment and I'm now setting off.  Tomorrow morning I set off
on my first mountain marathon, the Lochalsh Dirty 30.


We start at the pituresque village of Glenelg on the west coast of
Scotland, overlooking the Isle of Skye, then run along the coast, past
the famous Eilean Donan Castle (it's featured in many films) and then
back into the mountains and through a mountain pass, then back to
Glenelg for beers and food.  Total distance is 30 miles, with 1000m of
ascent/descent thrown into the mix, furthest I've ever been on foot in
one day so it's quite a challenging adventure, but ohh yes the
countryside is stunning and worth ever step.

But... of course I'll be thinking about terrain visualization, shader
composition and fixing pesky bugs as I go... for a at least a second
or two ;-)

Catch up with you all on Monday, and have a great weekend yourselves,

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