Hi Felix,

instead of using explicit 3D shapes, you could also use view-aligned
quads with a semi-transparent gauss-texture. These textures could be
pre-generated, I think the fountain example in OSG might also be
helpful with this. They could also be created on demand in shaders,
based on their Gauss attributes. We use a similar trick to draw lots
of nicely shaded particles with ellipsoidal or spherical appearance,
in this case for flow visualization and molecular visualization, e.g.
see http://graphics.tudelft.nl/Projects/AtmosphericViz (this was
OpenGL) and the first two images on http://graphics.tudelft.nl/VRVis
(these are OSG). If you're interested I can probably get some source
code your way, but I'd have to check with colleagues first.


On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Felix Engelmann
<efe+...@tu-chemnitz.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to visualize points in 3D, whose positions are Gauss distributed. The 
> expected values and the standard deviations for each x, y and z coordinate 
> are given. So, how can I do that with OSG?
> I could draw a sphere (using osg::SphereDrawable) with a fixed radius at the 
> center and another transparent sphere around it for visualizing the standard 
> deviation. But that doesn't look nice...
> What I'm looking for is some kind of 3D-radial gradient. The transparency 
> should increase along the gradient accourding to the Gaussian distribution 
> function.
> Note, that the standard deviation can be different for each dimension.
> I'm a newbie in OSG and not an OpenGL expert. Some example code would be 
> really helpful.
> Thank you
> Sincerely,
> Felix
> ------------------
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