Thanks Robert/Shayne,  turns out I was computing HAT correctly but was
using wrong texture filtering ( I store the positions in a texture ).
thus the computed heights were displayed incorrectly in the vert shader.

Thanks again.

On 09/08/2010 12:27 AM, Tueller, Shayne R Civ USAF AFMC 519 SMXS/MXDEC
> Paul,
> For HAT, you only need one point. LOS requires a start and end point. Both
> require that the points be specified in the database coordinates (i.e.
> geocentric Cartesian coordinates for round earth databases).
> I haven't worked with .flt databases but the osgSim methods appear to work
> for paged databases built by VPB...
> -Shayne
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Paul Pocock
> Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 11:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: [osg-users] Compute Terrain Intersection for .flt
> Hi - Whats the best way to get the z down intersect point onto a paged
> database. I'm getting what looks like loss of precision errors. I am not
> sure if it is because I am using  osgUtil::IntersectVisitor (Which I
> believe is deprecated?) or my lack of knowledge of
> osgSim::HeightAboveTerrain. Is it my proper understanding that I provide
> two points x,y,z (beginning and end) for HAT? Even doing this gives some
> very strange results... Is there a very basic example out there to
> achieve this? Is it a trivial problem?
> Regards
> Paul
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