Hi Robert,

Thank you for the time you take to make your response, and the level of 
information you included in it. Unfortunately I think you may have 
misunderstood my original question. I was not inquiring about the possibility 
of serializing my own classes into the native binary format, but rather I was 
wishing to know whether a class that implements the ReaderWriter functionality 
(i.e. the readNode and writeNode methods present in all osgDB plugins) for a 
new format must be compiled into an external plugin (.so), or whether it can be 
incorporated directly into my application code, and compiled as part of my 
application binary. The instructions I was able to find on the wiki regarding 
plugin implementation is a bit sketchy, and only covered the possibility of 
helping the osgDB locate ReaderWriter plugins that are actually stored as 
external plugins and not compiled into my application.

Additionally I was wondering what "proper plugin etiquette" is for plugins that 
read a format, but do not also write to it. I noticed some plugins 
conditionally return a 

My question on this second issue is whether it is "better manners" for my 
ReaderWriter class to implement a writeNode function that ALWAYS returns 
FILE_NOT_HANDLED, or whether it is best to just leave the function 


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