On Thursday 08 July 2010, Martin Naylor wrote:
> Hi,
> Yeah its certainly Aero...
> I two have the same issue, disabling Aero sorts its out, but mine is on a
> single screen.
> Alt-Tab will make it work as well.
> Have a look here http://www.opengl.org/pipeline/article/vol003_7/
> Are we using GDI? I don't understand the viewer code, I might have
> another attempt later...
> http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-6988 might of interest.
> This what I posted a while back:
> I did mention this a while back about osgShadow.
> All my are examples do this now after installing a new Nvidia GTX 480
> card(from a gtx 9800), with the latest drivers from Nvidia.
> My guess you are running Windows Vista/7, try alt tab?
> For a permanent fix disable the pesky Aero desktop!
> I tried looking for a fix last night and its something to do with
> swapbuffers either being called or not, I cannot remember it was late and
> the viewer code was baffling me!
> Ok it might be
> Never found a fix, i have looked into the viewer code, but never got to
> the bottom of it.
> Martin.

I made an interesting observation recently. One and the same code 
(essentially osgviewer) showed the black screen when starting up in the 
automatically chosen "DrawThreadPerContext" threading mode, but worked fine 
when "SingleThreaded" was forced. What is different in the way the OpenGL 
context is created in these two cases?

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