Hello Holger,

I found a former thread with a quiete similar problem incl. response, to modify 
the osg/shader* files. Won't be that easy right?

Well, in the past adding Geometry shaders when these became available was pretty easy, it indeed just required modifying the Shader header and cpp, as well as the .osg and .ive plugins to be able to load/save this new shader type. Adding the two new tessellation shader stages shouldn't be much more complicated. It's then up to the user to do useful things with that (until OSG supports shader composition :-) ).

See this changeset for the first checkin of geometry shader support:


And you can search from the SVN browser page:


with terms "geometry shader" to get more information about the evolution of the code:


If you have the interest and the time, you're welcome to pitch in and implement tessellation shader support.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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