Hi Robert,

I am linking with OpenThreads.

About the Makfile:

The application that I am trying run with intersection checks from OSG has its 
own Makefile that I do not want to change other than adding the includes and 
libraries from OSG. Since, that procedure is giving me the undefined symbol 
error I am now trying to compile and run the osgintersction example using your 
recommended build procedure for examples. I ran cmake and make in the 
OpenSceneGraph folder to create the libraries. However, there were no Makefiles 
generated for the examples. That's why I went to the 
OpenSceneGraph/examples/osgintersection folder and ran cmake. Then I run into 
cmake not recognizing SETUP_EXAMPLE project. What I like to know is whether you 
have the examples setup to have Makefiles created using cmake or we just write 
our own Makefile and link with the libraries just like I did with my 
application. If you have the examples set up to have Makefiles generated thru 
cmake, I probably am not following the correct procedure and that is probably 
why I am runni
 ng into the SETUP_EXAMPLE problem.

Thank you!


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