Hi Frederic,

On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 2:00 PM, Frederic Bouvier <fredlis...@free.fr> wrote:
> If you design a new function that can compute mipmaps, would it be
> possible to choose the operation that merge the four source pixels into
> the pixel of the next level ? By providing a callback or a function
> object that default to average on all channels ?

My plan is to to simply use gluScaleImage to compute the mipmaps, with
this it won't be possible to introduce any custom callbacks.  To do
what you are asking about we'd need to refactor the internals of the
the glu functions which will be no small task.

Having compute mipmap code in osg::Image doesn't preclude users having
their own mipmap code, all you need to do is precompute the mipmaps,
something you'll already being doing so the new code shouldn't affect

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