Hi Philip,

Am 15.11.10 12:03, schrieb Philip Lamb:
> I've just checked out the OSG iOS (a.k.a. iPhone) port which several of you 
> have been putting a lot of effort into. Congratulations on the achievements 
> so far.

thanks :)

> Am I correct in thinking that the branch at
> https://github.com/stmh/osg/tree/iphone contains the most recent efforts?


> I have two particular issues which I've encountered so far. The first is that 
> on iOS retina-display devices (currently iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G) the 
> graphics are being rendered only half-size. I saw some discussion on this in 
> earlier posts, but I can't see any fixes for this in the current repo. Does 
> anyone have a fix coded up waiting for testing?

Thomas had a fix for that, which I didn't incorporate completely,
because it broke compatibility with iOS 3.2 on the iPad. Maybe a bug of
iOS 3.2.

AFAIK only a multiplier with the screen-scale is missing.

As I don't have any device with retina-display (yet) I can't fix it on
my end.

> The second issue is that I'm not seeing animation on some animated OSG 
> models. Are there known issues with animation in the current port?

Not that I am aware of. I do not use osgAnimation, so can't help here.
Do your models work with current svn? Perhaps static-linking is not
working properly for osgAnimation.

> I'd like to help out where possible with this port, and I have a bunch of 
> devices I can test on.

Your help is greatly appreciated! Feel free to send any modifications to
me or this list (or via pull request on github), I'll try to incorporate
them into the git-repository.

There a two main bugs remaining before I'll send the modifications to

* display-size bug for retina-displays
* FBO-rendering is not working correctly

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