I've created my scene, and now I need to move camera in it, using keyboard.
My idea is to handle camera using some key lik A, S, W, D to perform 
tranlations mouse movements to perform camera's rotations.

I know i need to write a new class that inherits from GUIEventHandler, but 
reading TrackballManipulator i'm not sure to have understood how a 
GUIAciontAdapter performs this operations.
For instance, in handle(const GUIEventAdapter& ea,GUIActionAdapter& aa, 
osg::Object*, osg::NodeVisitor*) method i could call the us.requestRedraw() to 
perform a visual change when the "D" key is pressed (to perform a translation 
on x axis). I think that the Viewer object, ccomputes some matrix operation, 
but i haven't found it.
Can anyone help me? 

Thank you!


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