Thanks zonk

the 3rdParty package I used is 3rdParty_VC9sp1_x86_x64_V5.7z
x86 version~ i think it's not version problem.

Ok, i have to add them to PATH environment variable.

although, it was not mentioned in the introduction.

But, there's no problem with previous OSG source code.

Maybe using CMAKE 2.8.4 causes this error....

zonk wrote:
> Hi Nan,
> which version of the 3rdParty package have you downloaded? The current 
> version is V5. 
> You have to added your "3rdparty/x86/bin" folder to your PATH. It contains 
> the dll dependencies and has to be part of your path to allow osgviewer to 
> find it.
> The environment variable OSG_3RDPARTY_DIR is not required to run 
> OpenSceneGraph with this package, it is only available to allow CMake to find 
> your 3rdparty package automatically. This makes frequent OSG rebuilds easier..
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Torben

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