
I want to render an animated Character multiple times with different StateSets:

osg::Group group1 -> addChild( Geode_With_RigGeometry ) ;
osg::StateSet ss1 -> group -> getOrCreateStateSet() ;

osg::Group group2 -> addChild( Geode_With_RigGeometry ) ;
osg::StateSet ss2 -> group -> getOrCreateStateSet() ;

Unfortunately, with this setup, the Update Time ( from StatsHandler ) nearly 
doubles compared to using Geode_With_RigGeometry only once. I am using CPU 
skinning, so I guess the UpdateVisitor updates the RigGeometry with all the 
bones twice. How can I prevent this, and update the RigGeometry only once ?

I attached the AnimationManager to the root group, so this one is not updated 
multiple times times, and also not the source of trouble.

Thank you!

Cheers, sarching for the Pivot of my Soul, ParticlePeter !!!

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