Hi Basil,

I was expecting this to create a new "trajectory" each time and insert each one 
into geode but it looks like it is just appending points into geom and extending the 
trajectory instead of putting a new one in. I know the memory situation is a little bit 
different with OSG vs. ANSI C++, am I botching it there or how would I approach this?

You are the one who is appending points, not OSG:


    //line width, color, etc set here

    for each point in T{

If you are reusing the same "vertexData" variable and the same primitive set, that means all your Geometry objects will be using the same vertex array, and you're just extending it at each pass through the top-level loop.

Instead try:

for each T in trajectoryList{
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> geom = new osg::Geometry;
    //---- new ----
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::DrawArrays> drawArrayLines =
        new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::LINE_STRIP);
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> vertexData = new osg::Vec3Array;
    //---- end new ----

    //line width, color, etc set here

    for each point in T{
    geode->addDrawable( geom.get() );

The only thing I added was to create a new vertex array and a new primitive set at each pass through the top-level loop. That way, each Geometry object is using a unique vertex array and a unique primitive set, and you should get what you expected.

Or another way would be to share the same vertex array and append points to it as you were doing, but use a different primitive set for each Geometry, with its first element starting at the first vertex you inserted in this pass through the loop. This will work if your primitive set uses LINES, but not LINE_STRIP, unless you use a primitive restart (which I've never used myself so I'm not sure how that works). The advantage is sharing vertex arrays, so in theory OSG can sort on this and only set it once and draw many primitive sets, but I'm not even sure OSG does this, so it may be moot.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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