Hi all,

I have a class extended from osg::Group called FireEffect, which contains 3 
particle systems: a yellow flame, a red flame, and a smoke trail. I also have a 
truck model in the scene.

The truck model and FireEffect object are children of the Root, thus they are 
siblings in the scenegraph.

In my FireEffect I have a variable intensity which modifies the values of 
things like the particle life, size, rate etc. For some reason, when intensity 
is certain values is causes the particles and the truck to flicker and 
disappear completely.

Here is the method which is causing problems:


I have done some debugging and the values I am modifying are not below 0 when 
the objects disappear. I know the arguments themselves look a bit messy; this 
is because I've calculated them using straight lines on a graph, giving a nice 
linear transition from a blazing fire to a smouldering surface. intensity is 
always between 0.0 and 1.0 and two values which cause the problem are 0.4 and 

Surely it can't be a scene complexity problem because 1.0 works fine, and that 
is when the most particles are being churned out.

It worries me that the truck object disappears, as it is not related to the 
FireEffect group at all!

I should also mention that I have an HUD with several textured planes which all 
stay visible. The heirarchy:
Root -> ProjectionMatrix -> ModelMatrix -> PAT -> Geode -> Plane for texture

I was using osg 2.8.5 but updated to 3.0.0 as a last resort before posting 
here. Does anybody have any ideas?

Thanks in advance, Simon.

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