Hi Joshua,

See if you can use the peripheral support from CAVElib and just plugin
in the camera view and projection matrix settings into the osgViewer's
Camera's and let the OSG do the threading and rendering.


On 14 November 2011 18:25, Joshua Cook <countryartis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Robert,
> Thanks for the replies.
> Anyhow, the reasoning has to do with risk and periferal support; head 
> tracker, a wand, and other assorted goodies CAVElib already deals with.  I 
> probably could write something that did the same but would have a heck of a 
> time convincing them it would be the best approach with the deadline looming 
> like Lancelot at a wedding party.  The other thing that CAVElib does is sync 
> the 3D effect over multiple computers.  I'm fairly sure that is not too 
> difficult to do but since I've no experience there I wouldn't be able to 
> argue that point very effectively.  Yes, they are fairly weak arguments but 
> it is what I have to work with.  :)
> Anyhow, I'll drop the embeded window and look towards another solution.  
> Mayhaps it will be with the osg::Viewer that I'll find the final, correct 
> answer.  Thanks again.
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