On 12/2/2011 6:09 AM, Stefanos Kougiou wrote:

I would like to thank you for your answers. Especially for the website Skylark 
, it really got me started on the subject. I will definitely search more info 
on the 4x4 matrix.

Now about the distances I admit that I wasn't clear :).  I need the distance 
from the camera to the center of a given 3d model(OSG Node). For the position 
of the 3D model I would like to use the function getTransformationMatrix() of 
the node.

Is it possible  to use getTransformationMatrix on the camera node? Then I would 
use the method that Skylark suggested and my problem will be solved. As for 
scale, as far as I know my models are not scaled in runtime.

If you multiply the object center by the camera's modelview matrix, the length of the resulting eye space vector is the distance.

I strongly encourage you to learn OpenGL. Get the OpenGL Programming Guide. Older copies are available online for free, and they cover topics such as these.

  -Paul Martz      Skew Matrix Software

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