On 12/14/2011 09:26 AM, Jesper D. Thomsen wrote:

Hi guys,

I have a question regarding exporting to SVG from OpenSceneGraph.

In our software product we use OpenSceneGraph for both a model view window and for a charting component. So far we have exported images from the charting component as bitmap images (by just rendering them to an offscreen pixelbuffer in the required resolution). We have however had some requests for exports from our charting component in a vector format compatible with the Microsoft Office software package (which pretty much means EMF files).

Since EMF is very Microsoft-specific, I was thinking of using SVG as an intermediate format, and then using some converter package to create the EMF output.

I saw SVG mentioned on the OSG mailing list earlier, but my question is whether there is any way to render to vector SVG from OpenSceneGraph (I kind of expect a hard “no” here)?

Actually, Jeremy Moles is working on a nodekit that uses nVidia's path rendering extension to OpenGL to render 2d vector graphics in 3d space. I believe the extension can read SVG files natively, so Jeremy's osgNVPR kit should be able to as well.

The relevant thread is here:


The down side, of course, is that you'll be limited to hardware that supports this extension, which is only the more recent nVidia cards (GeForce 8 and later), I believe.

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