
i'm trying to create some kind of window manager, which would allow me to open 
a certain pop-up window with RTT camera on request and later reopen it if it 
has been closed.

i was looking for some kind of window "onClose" callback function to allow me 
to store the current window state (graphics contexts' traits) with position and 
size, but i couldn't find any.

my RTT camera is stored in the window manager along with whole scene graph. i 
create the pop-up window at startup, as usual, then i test if it has been 
closed, which i can do using rttCamera->getGraphicsContext()->valid() method. i 
conditionally create a new context for the camera when the old one is invalid. 
then i call viewer->realize() and i get the window i wanted. but i am getting 
this error:


invalid contextStandardManipulator::handleFrame(): Event error - Time going back
   Current event time: 0.0671157 previous event time: 6.60098

i need to get rid of this error. if i do not call the ->realize() method, i get 
tons of openGL errors and no window pops' up. btw, i am using a composite 
viewer instance with a main view of the scene and a secondary pop-up window 
with rtt camera.

so my two questions - how do i get rid of the error and is there a way of 
storing information that would allow me to reopen a closed window in it's 
previous state? 

thank you guys very much in advance!

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