On 01/27/2012 04:17 PM, Doug McCorkle wrote:
We run a very similar system with 5 quadro cards and do not run into these 
problems with very large models. We are using VR Juggler though. I mention this 
because it would be very straight forward to use one of the sample OGL VR 
Juggler examples as a test application that would load an OBJ file or something 
to provide a raw OGL benchmark for the hardware. You could also use one of the 
sample OSG applications to do a comparison to at least provide a place to start 
working from in terms of figuring out your core issues.

Hi, Doug,

It may not have been easy to find in the mountain of text from the original post, but I did end up writing a multithreaded pure OpenGL program in an effort to eliminate OSG as the culprit. Since we ultimately ended up getting a similar frame rate drop in both OSG and OpenGL, we pretty much have eliminated OSG as the culprit.

One of the issues that I ran into in my investigation was that the problem was closely tied to the structure of the data itself. My original OpenGL program only loaded .obj files at first. However, the process of converting the original .ive file to .obj disturbed the structure of the data, and caused the OpenGL program to behave differently. Unless I can load the exact data structure that OSG is loading into the VR Juggler example, I'm afraid I'd run into the same problem.


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