hi there!

my post was NOT in any way a criticism of the developers. i am only frustrated 
... well you read it anyway. what i wanted to say - maybe, a couple of lines, a 
single sentence - it helps a LOT. i really think this is the biggest downside 
of the OSG. i can't say anything else than "good job" for the rest.

also i have experience with "programming for free" and i do know what you are 
saying. it's just ... i always comment my code, it's better even for me if i 
happen to come across it once again some time later.

if i happen to be an expert in OSG and graphics, i will start with the OSG 
documentation for sake of other beginners like me :)

i heared of that book and now i think  i'm buying it this week. hope it helps. 
thank you, Torben.


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