Hi Magnus,

But maybe this question is more to the authors of osgmaxexporter. Why
does osgmaxexporter unconditionally set the data variance to STATIC?
What are the use cases where one would model a STATIC DOFTransform?

DOFTransforms are a relic of Multigen (Presagis) Creator, and in that software they were the most widely used transform node. Modelers (as you probably know) are fond of putting lots of transforms (and groups) all over the scene graph, to keep things understandable to them, and to make it easier to modify the model later.

Unfortunately, there are often many of these transforms that aren't really useful once the models are in the simulation software. So yes, there is a valid use case for static DOFTransforms - transforms that were just put there by the modeler for convenience, but which don't have any use in simulation.

Now, I agree with you, the STATIC data variance should not be unconditionally applied. There can be rules to determine when it should be, for example if the DOFTransform does not have any limits.

At my previous employer, we had made a custom osgconv which would "massage" the scene graph before calling the osgUtil::Optimizer on it (I think I mentioned this before on this list). This "massage" is highly dependent on what you'll be doing with your data, which is why I don't think it would be useful to submit such a thing - OSG provides the tools for you to do the right thing in your situation. But just as an example, our tool would:

* Normalize state to expected values (we didn't require artists to set the right filtering or face culling manually, we enforced it in the tools, so that osgUtil::Optimizer's various merge operations could give good results) * Flag nodes as dynamic if we didn't want them optimized away (we had various rules, including if a comment contained "Dynamic", if a DOF had limits, etc. * Remove most Group nodes since these just hinder the merge visitors and in most cases, better batching (less draw calls) is more important than better spatial culling.

Again, I've talked about these things in the past, and others have shared similar or related advice too.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay              jean_...@videotron.ca
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