i am trying to compute the direction of an osg::LineSegmentIntersector object. 
i can get the collision point and i am trying to get the starting point - i 
need the vector of the intersector's direction.

i do this for the purpose of ray tracing (or ray casting). i create the 
intersectors this way 
new osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector(cf, x, y);

where cf is 'WINDOW' (this is for the primary rays). i am not sure how to 
transform the starting/end point of the intersector into model (world) space. 
that's why i am trying to get the position of the camera as the starting point. 
i looked at the code of the linesegmentintersector thoroughly, but still am 
confused about the matrices, so i decided it could be less difficult to use the 

i need the vector to calculate the specular color.

robert, thank you very much for your help.


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