Hi, this post is for those reading this thread wondering how i solved the issue.

I solved it by creating the line segment intersectors in model coordinate 
space, transforming the starting/ending point using this matrix:
        osg::Matrixd matrix;

This way the lineSegmentIntersector gets initialized correctly and the 
intersections are computed well. The problem itself originated elsewhere - i 
was using the camera as the ROOT node for intersectionVisitor, which did not 
behave the way expected.
I encountered another issue when using the camera as the root - the invisible 
parts of the scene got culled away (as expected for rendering), however, while 
computing reflected rays, this caused serious issues, as these rays did not hit 
the expected objects, because they 'were not there'. I had to use own matrix 
transformation for the primary rays and let all the rest compute in the model 
coordinate space, the scene being the root (without any other transformations).

take care,

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