Hi, Ulrich

this solution hides from user baseclass set(*T pointer) function which takes 
pointer as parameter, so i would rather choose something different


27.04.2012, 05:24, "Ulrich Hertlein" <u.hertl...@sandbox.de>:
> Hi Sergey,
> On 26/04/12 23:39 , Sergey Polischuk wrote:
>>  Replying to myself :)
>>  Problem is: declaration of set(...) methods in derived Matrix*Template 
>> classes hides base class MatrixTemplate::set(...) pack of methods
>>  This can be solved by adding line:
>>      using MatrixTemplate<[template params]>::set;
>>  in each derived class declaration.
>>  May be someone have better solution?
> There recently was a similar case with the Vector* implementations that could 
> be solved by
> using the 'base_class' typedef in each class.
> So rather than:
> Matrix2Template( const Matrix2Template& mat ) { set(mat.ptr()); }
> it would be:
> Matrix2Template( const Matrix2Template& mat ) { base_class::set(mat.ptr()); }
> Could you try that and submit a patch if it works?
> On a related note, it feels weird to have all this Matrix/Vector related 
> stuff in the
> 'Uniform' header file, as it can create much confusion with what's already in 
> the 'Matrix'
> and 'Vector' header files.
> If this is truly Uniform only would it make sense to scope it to 
> 'osg::Uniform' or put it
> into separate header files like 'UniformMatrix' and 'UniformVector'?
> Thoughts?
> Cheers,
> /ulrich
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