Martin Scheffler wrote:
> Hi Maia,
> maybe the stuff I am working on is interesting for you:
> DtEntity is similar to Delta3D in its functionality (it started as a Delta3D 
> module), but it is more lightweight and less intrusive.
> DtEntity is a game and simulation system for OSG. It has basic support for 
> OSGAnimation and Cal3D (osgCal3d wrapper not included, please ask if you are 
> interested in that). It offers a component-based entity system for handling 
> simulation objects, XML map loading, sound support, heads up displays and 
> lots of other stuff.
> It is very easy to integrate dtEntity with other OSG libraries like VESuite, 
> OSGOcean, OSGEarth and so on, simply because dtEntity is only a thin layer on 
> top of OSG.
> Cheers,
> Martin

Hi Martin,

Thank you for the suggestion. Yes, I had already looked at dtEntity, but after  
reading some posts about it on delta3D forum, I have some concerns (eg: less 
intuitive for OO programmers; don't over-use ref ptrs; an entity is simply an 
ID with no data attached). Also, I am not sure if it is working with VR Juggler 
(for CAVE configuration, etc.), allows devices integration through VRPN, 
networking. Could you tell if it does ?

But I will give it a try for sure, and I am interested to have osgCal3d. 

Thank you,


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