Hi Robert,
What you implemented (SMC to Description), is exactly what I need. But I did 
not found your code OSG. Did you submit your code? Were your changes rejected, 
or what is the state of it?


rioiart wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for all the feedback. 
> In case you are interested, I have made a patch for the OpenFlight plugin so 
> that it reades/writes the surface material code (SMC) and feature id (FID) 
> and stores it as a description of the geode that contains these attributes.
> The format of the description string is like "SF:[SMC]:[FID]" for example 
> "SF:918:10"
> So you can expect to see in the .osg file something like this:
> Code:
> Geode {
> DataVariance STATIC
> ...
> description "SF:918:10"
> ...
> }
> Regards,
> Robert

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