
I have a terrain scene load from a terrain.osg file, I can see data like 
hightField and imageLayer in the terrain.osg file.

So, when I use osgDB::readNodeFile to load the terrain, osg will auto generate 
the TerrainTile -> Tile -> Geode -> Geometry scene graph for me base on those 
data, right?

Problem is, after I changed the geode's stateset of a tile, like, give the 
geode a new textureUnit. Save the root node of terrain to a newTerrain.osg will 
not contain data relate to the changes.

newTerrain.osg only have data as the old terrain.osg file, but nothing related 
to textureUnit change. 

I know I can save the geode node to a geode.osg file which contain info of 
textureUnit change. But how to merge the geode.osg file to the newTerrain.osg 
file, so when I load the newTerrain.osg, it will auto load the corresponding 
geode.osg and add it to the right position in the scene graph?


Thank you!


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