On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 6:57 AM, Nav Joseph <nk...@tatapowersed.com> wrote:

> Is it a known issue among OSG users that some cards don't support OpenGL
> well enough? Because I saw a forum post where a person said "I think that
> the nVidia Quadro FX 5600 doesn't have as good OpenGL support as the
> "consumer" GPU cards"
> Here: http://www.flightgear.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7182

That is certainly wrong, Quadro series (except for Quadro NVS) is
*optimized* for OpenGL performance. GeForces have decent OpenGL
performance, but their drivers are, generally speaking, tuned for Direct3D
games than for OpenGL, so some more obscure OpenGL features may be slower.
Also, NVidia has pretty good OpenGL drivers.

On the other hand, Quadro FX 5600 is quite old by today's standard (same
chip as GeForce 8800 Ultra), but that demo should perform better even on
such old GPU. You have most likely some hw/sw issue, make sure that you
have the latest NVidia driver installed, that both auxiliary power plugs
installed on the card (it will throttle down or crash if it doesn't get
enough current!) and that you can run other demos with reasonable

Tried running the program on a system without a graphics card, and the
> quads didn't even render (but this is secondary. Main problem is what
> caused such a slow reaction on my card-equipped system).

I am not sure, what did you expect to "see" on a system "without a graphics


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