Hi Shayne,

> On the distortion correction, is there really any need for pixel level 
> distortion? That would seem very expensive. I would think that
> textureCoodinate distortion is more than sufficient with a reasonable mesh 
> resolution. I haven't seen the need for pixel level distortion in a
> spherical dome display.

distortionNG supports vertex distortion and  texCoord distortion, pixel wise 
distortion is planned but not yet realized because we do not have a use case 
for pixel wise distortion.
Theoretically it is the most flexible distortion but it thwarts a lot of 
OpenGLs image quality enhancements like anti-aliasing and makes the image 
noisy, so you need to apply a filter at a post rendering stage.
It could be realized in shaders as it is done in the current( old) osgVisual 
distortion module, its perfomance is aceptable.

With vertex(mesh)  distortion and texCoord-distortion you can achieve identical 
results but I personmally prefere the vertex distortion for the follow reason:
If you configure distortionNG to display the distortion Mesh, you can use thes 
mesh to setup/control each channels correct alignment, whereas with textCoord 
you cannot do that.

> Does osgVisual support an interface for providing asymmetric viewing frustums 
> for each channel? What I mean by this is can I specify the
> clipping bounds (i.e. rotation, widening or shrinking) for each channel 
> frustum so that I can effectively tile the channels in a dome display
> optimally?

You can apply any projectionmatrix OSG/OpenGL allows, it does not introduice 
any restrictions.

> How does osgVisual deal with edge blending of the channels or do you rely on 
> the projectors to do this? 

The blending is performed in the distortion Modules, the projectors are COTS 
devices, only a better color management could be useful to ensure an identical 
color temperature on each channel.

-- So why is distortionNG still marked as experimental if it works like a 
Maybe I should explain the current situation:

The above mentioned 6 channel helicopter simulator uses a proprietary 
commercial setup system: It is camera based and its output is the blendmap, the 
projection matrix and the distortion matrix used by distortionNG. It works like 
a charm, but it is very expensive.

For the academic usage osgVisual aims for, a cheaper solutions should be 
Therefore I'm also working on a mouse based setup method. This is very easy for 
vertex/texCoord distortion setup, but it is not so easy for the projection 
Matrix or the blend map. The manual setup mode is still unter construction.

The manual setup should be done in the following order (not yet finishend, it 
may contain errors)

* Position the projectors to cover every desired sqare inch of the screen, 
ensure that there is a reasonable overlaping of the projectors to use for 
blending purposes.
* In each channel display the distortion mesh and align it with the mouse and 
setup a regular mesh structure across all channels on the whole screen. ensure 
that each distorted channel covers a regular, ideally rectangular area from the 
simulator eye point perspective, this simplyfies the design of the projection 
* Not yet solved because problematic: The blendmaps must be "designed" 
interactively with the mouse. The blend function between black and wite must 
not necessarily be linear, but maybe it can be simplyfied be regarding it as 
linear. The black blending edges are simple, they are the edge of the channel 
projector (blending maps are not distorted!) . The inner (white) blending edges 
have to be defined by mouse. If required the non-linear blend function must be 
* Not yet solved because problematic:  the projection Matrix has to be defined. 
To set it up correctly, the position of each channel relative to the simulators 
eye point must be determined. A cheap theodolith may be required. Finally the 
projection matrix has to be defined by this measured angels relative to 
eypoint. How to do this interactively I have no clue (yet) :)

The distortionSet itself is a container which can by saved and restored (like a 
path file of the animation manipulator) once it is configured by one of the 
above methods.

Finally one thing to mention: Lots of this tasks may be easy - I simply do not 
know because my time is limited due to my PhD and my daily work (both not in 
this area) and it is hard to get free hours and anough power to work on 
distortionNG. I hope this changes dramatically after my PhD is finished. Once 
distortionNG  is functional I'll try to submit it to core OSG.

Thank you!


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