Hi Frank,

The OSG is capable of providing all these features on the desktop with
fixed function pipe and embedded systems with the appropriate shaders.
 Performance wise the OSG will help you in your quest as it provides
are wide range of features are written specifically for maximizing
performance - i.e. culling, LOD's, state sorting, fast paths etc.
Doing all what you require on embedded systems is not exceptional
compared to what others are using the OSG for, and the OSG itself
won't limit you.

What will limit you is the hardware that you are deploying on and as
this is a moving target and what exactly you'll have on screen on any
time, and how well you build for scene graph are all variables that
none of us can predict, so to yes or no would be simply irrational.
The best we can advise is that OSG itself will help you in your quest
as that's it's job.

Any more or less than other API's?  Again one can't really say yes or
no, it depends upon what features the other API's support.  I would
however say that open source API's that are backed by active
communities is a huge asset no matter what middle-ware you choose to
use, and would say that on an evolving target like embedded systems
this is far more critical as the community can pull together to keep
track of new developments.


On 17 August 2012 16:27, Frank Schmidt <comzufr...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
>    we are currently evaluating scene graph libraries for an application in 
> the CAD/Engineering domain, which shall run on embedded devices.
>    We would like to visualize data (points, polylines, digital terrain models 
> (DTMs), point clouds) in 2D and 3D views. The estimated amount of data is:
>    - number of points: < 5.000 (worst case: 200.000); visualized with a 
> texture
>    - number of polylines: < 5.000 (worst case: 100.000)
>    - number of vertices per polyline: ~10
>    - number of triangles in DTMs: < 100.000 (worst case: 1.000.000)
>    - number of points in point clouds: < 100.000 (worst case: 500.000); 
> visualized as 1 pixel per point
>    - number and size of textures: negligible
>    We have to render mainly wire frame. Triangles half-transparent with 
> lights for a better visualization. Good performance is a must. A good visual 
> user-experience is important (anti-aliasing, stippled lines). There is no 
> need for physics, sounds, materials, etc.
>    Platform:
>    - OS: Windows EC7
>    - Rendering API: OpenGL ES 2.0 (we have HW acceleration)
>    - RAM: 50...100 MB available for scene graph and rendering
>    - Screen size: WVGA (800 x 480)
>    - Floating Point Unit (FPU) available
>    The scene graph library has to be portable to:
>    - OS: WinCE 6.0, Windows 8 RT, Android
>    - Rendering API: any
>    - RAM: 50...100 MB available for scene graph and rendering
>    - Screen size: VGA (640 x 480) ... WSVGA (1024 x 600)
>    Questions:
>    - Do you think the requirements could be fulfilled by this scene graph 
> library?
>    - What are the biggest challenges you see?
>    - Is there a company offering consultancy, customization and support 
> services for this library?
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Frank
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=49312#49312
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