Hi Peter and Rui,

On 21 August 2012 12:59, Peter Bako <osgfo...@tevs.eu> wrote:
> It would be nice if we can set an auxiliary version number manually, when 
> writing or reading files.
> This mechanism would be perfect!
> Can I assume that this modification will be implemented in the next month?
> Or what do you suggest to me to do? It is not time critical in the next 
> month, but then it will be :-).

As I have plenty of other work on my plate I'll defer to Rui to come
up with a suggested solution, or yourself if you fancy rolling up your
sleeves up.  I do wonder if a user definable format key/string might
be appropriate - I guess the schema and present version number take us
a bit down this route, but perhaps one needs a list of schema or
versions so that multiple layers can be added on for 3rd party libs
can add their own feature set and rev it independently from the OSG

> This is a little off-topic, but why is the osg web page inaccessible?
> Trac detected an internal error:
> OperationalError: database is locked

The openscenegraph.org server has been rather beset by problems so we
are working on a replacement.  Try the new openscenegraph.com when the
.org version is down.

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