Hi Joe,

I can't say what might be wrong with the implementation you are using
given the details provided.  In general sharing and cloning the scene
graph is easy and well established - it's been supported for a decade
now, so in principle trying to do what you are doing should be
possible.  However, what you describe is a pretty usually, perhaps I'd
even say odd, thing to do with the scene graph.

Could you back up a little a explain what you are trying to achieve
and why, rather than the low level description of something you've
implemented not doing with you expect.  With this understanding
perhaps others will be able to suggest how to solve the actual task
you are tackling in a more appropriate way.


On 19 October 2012 16:08, Joe Doob <cstat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I have two osg::Groups, one which is being rendered in my viewer and another 
> which is used as a buffer that collects geodes as they are created.
> Periodically, I want to flush the contents of my root group and copy over all 
> the contents in the buffer.
> I have tried several methods of copying the contents of the buffer group to 
> the root group, but I never actually see the new contents appear in my view. 
> Specifically I have tried looping over all children in the buffer and calling 
> root->addChild on each of these. I have also tried assigning the root to a 
> deep copy clone of the buffer. In both cases I can verify that the root 
> contains the data in the buffer using getNumChildren(), but they never show 
> up.
> Does anyone know why this would be? Or, am I just going about this the wrong 
> way?
> Thanks,
> S
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