Are you sure your agents need to be full 3D models?

I've done something using perspective billboards, in the osgrvo2 sample in
the osgRecipes repository maintained by Wang Rui. The billboards were
rendered in Poser using a python script that rendered it out from many
viewing angles.

The GPU can easily render 10000 agents with different walking speeds at
interactive frame rates. The bottleneck is the agent simulation on the CPU.

2012/11/17 Bruno Fanini <>

> Hello osgUsers,
> Within a osg-based crowd simulator I'm currently developing, I was trying
> to investigate a simple skeletal animation for a given set of agents.
> I'm digging the animtkviewer.cpp example (osganimationviewer) and it looks
> like a good solution for this case.
> In this context, I would just need a plain simple "walking" animation for
> my characters.
> I've a set of PositionAttitudeTransforms nodes to control position &
> attitude of a single agent, so my questions are:
> - is it possible to control the independent speed of the walking animation
> for a single agent? (i.e. another agent is walking faster, etc..)
> - what about instancing 3d models? is it still possible with this approach
> somehow? (i.e. every p.a.t pointing to the same 3d model)
> - what about the performance drop (estimate)?
> - is there any example out there applied to crowd simulations or similar?
> Thanks,
> --
> Bruno Fanini
> (Software Development)
>  (Digital
> Art)
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