I've sent fix to submission list early january. Was it rejected? Or is it still pending on your list?

Marcin Prus

W dniu 2013-01-07 15:12, Robert Osfield pisze:
HI Marcin,

Have you come up with a fix?  I have plenty of stuff to get through so
any assistance on resolving this bug would be appreciated.


On 28 December 2012 12:57, Marcin Prus <> wrote:
Hi all,
there's a bug in  Image::computeImageSizeInBytes(int width,int height, int
depth, GLenum pixelFormat,GLenum type,int packing).
It's easiest to reproduce if you try to compress rectangular texture with
width > height using DXT compression. Last mipmaps with height < 4 will get
corrupted and some mipmaps may be lost because of computed size different
from the actual one. Use osgconv --compressed -O OutputTextureFiles
test01.ive out.osg on attached sample to create corrupted .dds file.

Problem was introduced with change # 12912 from January I think and comes
from not taking block nature of DXT compression into account in
computeImageSizeInBytes function.  computeRowWidthInBytes computes "average"
row size for DXT correctly but later there's no code to clamp height to 4 in
computeImageSizeInBytes for rectangular DXT textures (I think
computeBlockSize works as clamp for square ones so error is not present in
such case). Perhaps other texture formats are affected too but I tested only
DXT so far. I'll try to prepare fix but not before January 2nd.

Marcin Prus

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