Hi Marci,

On 6 February 2013 14:57, Marcin Prus <p...@ai.com.pl> wrote:
> Robert,
> problem I found is different from the one discussed about math/cmath/log
> etc. and I can confirm it still exists in current version.
> Algorithm is wrong, computation doesn't take block nature of some
> compressions into account and fails for last mipmaps in non square textures
> (size computed is smaller then single block size). My solution is to use
> code from dds plugin instead of  one introduced in image.cpp. This way we
> have single function instead of two of them and new one (from old dds plugin
> code) works properly.

Could you post the changes you've made to address the problem to
osg-submissions, I've checked I don't have any record of other
submissions dealing with this issue so if you did send one alas I
didn't get it.

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