Thanks Ulrich, I resolved the problem by replacing the OSG_WINDOING_SYSTEM flag 
by Cocoa and the OSG_DEFAULT_IMAGE_PLUGIN_FOR_OSX flag by imageio in CMake... I 
left the  CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES flag empty so i guess it was 64 bits by 
default. Then i chose the unix makefiles for the generation and did the make 
and sudo make install commands on my terminal. I had to alter a file too 
(DarwinUtils.mm) and replace a line of code somewhere too (i'll search for the 
topic where i found this fix and write it here later) for the build to happen 
without any error - fyi, i downloaded the 3.0.1 stable version of 
Openscenegraph via svn.
The examples work very well now!

However, I have trouble creating a simple program under Xcode..
Declaring a simple osgViewer::Viewer viewer; in a simple c++ helloworld program 
crashes the build with few undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 comment.. 
It's weird because, when i look at some examples, the #includes and 
declarations are the same... so that's what i'm investigating now. Maybe i 
missed a step here too?

I thought it was advised to compile Openscenegraph in 32 bits when i saw this 
page : 
but i think this page isn't up to date now...



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