Aurelien wrote:
> Hi,
> This is normal, osgEarth insert custom "VirtualProgram" state attribute and 
> they are not serializable.
> If you want to remove this error, you'll have to use a osg::Visitor to remove 
> all osgEarth::VirtualProgram attributes, but I don't think this error is a 
> real problem and you probably can just ignore it.
> But the point is that's a little weird to save a KML file as an IVE file : 
> KML files are XML files which declares some data (POI, image overlay...) and 
> reference external models. You can probably just pick up the external model 
> file, open your KML with a text editor and have a look at it to see where 
> your model file is declared.
> Handling of KML files in osg are based on a several osgEarth specific 
> classes, so you will get better answer on their forum I guess.
> Cheers,
> Aurelien

I'm just a grunt, I do what they tell me to do.

OT We were thinking that the VirtualProgram had something to do with it.  Guess 
this confirms it.

Well, the issue is the customer wants the model out of the KML/KMZ file and in 
IVE format and that is what I have to give them.  I know about all of the other 
data that the KML files have but they're not really interested in any of that.

Well, I'm off to the osgEarth forum to ask my question.  Thanks for the reply I 
appreciate it.  I'll drop back in to post the result and switch to resolved if 
they can help me.  If not then I'll try your advice to use a visitor to strip 
out the VirtualProgram data.

Thanks again,

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