There was an osgVRPN update from Will Hollingsworth last summer, it worked with 
OSG 3+


IIRC, to get Mike Weiblen's last commit compiling against OSG 3, the main thing 
is to change TrackerManipulator's base class from the MatrixManipulator to 
CameraManipulator - post back here if that doesn't do it, and I'll see if I can 
figure out what else it took.

Once you have that going, you should be able to just use a TrackerManipulator 
to navigate your scene as shown in the osgVRPNviewer.cpp example, and set up 
your VRPN config to use your 3dConnexion device as pseudo-tracker 
(vrpn_Tracker_AnalogFly) - the navigator_usb.cfg in the osgVRPN does exactly 

The Hollingsworth branch adds the typical VR navigation functions to translate 
or rotate in user space and a "walled mode" for use on a fixed screen, but I 
think if all you have is your 3D mouse, you will be fine with the previous 
version and the pseudo-tracker, which essentially does the navigation on the 
VRPN side instead of the OSG side.

Hope that helps,

> From: Thomas Lerman <>
>Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 10:25 AM
>Subject: Re: [osg-users] 3D mice
>Thank you Jan. I will have to check it out. I will take a look at the tutorial 
>you mentioned previously to see how to do that (I presume that is where you 
>would suggest looking). It would be great if it is 10-15 lines of code, no 
>additional dependencies other than VRPN, and creates nice & smooth movements. 
>Any other hints (I am rather limited on time, so anything is appreciated)?
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