Hi David,

> I read/hear some programming rules, One well know is "release early, release
> often"
> another I think good is 'library implement all possible feature, executable
> implement required feature".
> This is not the exact sentence, i can't find it on google, but this is the
> idea.

I 100% believe this is terrible approach to programming.

Features have to implemented, ported and maintained, the more features
you stuff into the code to more less each feature gets tested and
debugged, and the lower the user to feature ratio is, so the less
available resources you have to maintain each line of code, so... code
quality goes down and down and down.

As I sad you *really* have to justify a *need* for any additional
features we add, if you don't apply this then your code just ends up a
bloated unmaintainable mess.  The OSG is large and complex enough as
it is without stuffing in niche features.

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