Hi Sebastian,
Thanks for the detailed explanation and the hints regarding texture/world 
coordinates. I've tried binding at the tile level as you suggested, but 
apparently the additional data source is not fast enough to be used at 
At this point, I'm going to have the original terrain model regenerated with 
two textures for each tile, instead of constructing the second texture on the 
fly. As far as I understand, binding a second texture should be possible with 
the OSG and TXP formats.
So thanks again for attempting to help with issue.


Sebastian Messerschmidt wrote:
> You don't really need to bind at a level this deep. Usually if the 
> "terrain tile" is loaded and represent a LOD you want to work with, you 
> can simple add your data texture(s) as uniform to the stateset of the tile.
> Given you have a texture with the data-image called "texture" you can do 
> it this way in your callback:
> osg::StateSet* state_set = node->getOrCreateStateSet();
> osg::Uniform* sampler = new osg::Uniform("MyDataSamper",  2 
> /*texture unit*/);
> state_set->setTextureAttribute(unit, texture ,osg::StateAttribute::ON);
> state_set->addUniform(sampler);
> With this you bind the texture to a sampler for your shader, at the 
> texture unit 2. Depending on how many textures are already bound you 
> might need to modify the unit.
> In the fragment shader you can now access the texture via:
> uniform sampler2D MyDataSampler
> ..
> ..
> main()
> {
> vec2 tex_coord = gl_TexCoord[0].st;
> vec4 data = texture2D(MyDataSampler, tex_coord);
> }

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