Hi Deniz,

2013/8/27 deniz diktas <denizdik...@gmail.com>

> Hi Jordi,
> ok thanks for the advice. But how about the repeating textures in
> different models? I think they will be repeated for every model's ive-file
> even if they are shared and may take up too much space depending on the
> application.
> I also need to be able to accept any file given by the user, so not all of
> the assets are under my control so to speak.
I was referring to osgb not to ive. But if you must to accept any given
file this is out of discussion :).

> By the way, do you guys have any idea about how to make go away the
> osg-noficiations when using opengl-es 2.0? I see many warnings which I
> think are related to the properties of the old fixed pipeline (like
> lighting on/off) I thought when osg is built for the core profile /
> opengl-es 2.0, it deals deal with these kind of things automatically and
> appearently it does not. I have been able to remove a large number of
> features by modifying the osg-files by hand, but it is a time-consuming
> processs and I have not been able to remove all of them. But strange
> enough, this does not cause any visual problems as long as I use my own
> shaders but the notifications are still there and they may take up
> signifant amount of time while trying to set up properties which are not
> available in the new core profile anyway (and these notifications are being
> sent during every frame). I have disabled them using osg::setNotifyLevel()
> but I do not think this is a safe approach because I want to be able
>   to log the osg-output while the user uses the app and it should not
> bloat the whole log-file due to an error that can be avoided.
> Is there a visitor or utility to remove all or a subset of the properties
> related to the old-fixed pipeline functionality?
As far as I know there isn't such a visitor.  Possibily you can hack the
3ds plugin to do what you want, or of course write a visitor to avoid the
modification of model files by hand.
Maybe others can give you a better approach to this problem.

By the way, OSG-3.2 comes with important changes to Geometry now
displayLists are deprecated, I think there is a fallback to convert models
using displayLists to vertexArrays, perhaps it could serve as inspiration.


> Jordi Torres wrote:
> > Hi Deniz and Raphael,
> >
> >
> > In my opinion it is worth to use the osg binary native format in mobile
> applications, as it should reduce the weight of the model file, and it does
> not have application specific features. In our applications we convert
> first all the models to the native format using osgconv.
> >
> Cheers,
> Deniz
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=55996#55996
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