
First time posting.

We developed an OSG based viewer using OSG 3.0.1.  Recently, I upgraded to 
using OSG 3.2.  We have a geometry shader that implements a billboard for 
trees.  Even though I can still see the trees, they are no longer aligned with 
the line of sight (i.e. don't rotate to align normal with los).  OSG does issue 
a warning when it renders with this geometry shader: OGL error is 1282 (i.e. 
generic INVALID operation error).  

Now nothing in our code has changed before I upgraded to OSG 3.2.  I did notice 
that the offending call seems to be EmitVertex(), since if I omit that from the 
shader, I don't get the 1282 error, but obviously no billboards either.

Would anybody in this forum be able to provide some hints on how I can fix this 
issue?  May be something that needs to be done differently when using OSG 3.2?

Thanks in advance,


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