Hi Keith,

We've had problems with VisualStudio's buggy compiler when it comes to
handling valid C++ relating to streams.  It's kinda crap but that's
just what we have to put with.

Is the problem you are having with the svn/trunk version of VPB or one
of the dev releases?  There is chance that svn/trunk already has a fix
checked in.

Could you post the exact compiler error?

For fixes just subscribed to osg-submissions and post the whole
modified file.  I can then pick the file from there and do a review of
the changes.


On 14 October 2013 22:50, Keith Steiger <keith.stei...@plexsys.com> wrote:
> I needed to get VPB working on Windows (Visual Studio 2010), and I ran into a 
> bizarre compiler error that I'm sure you've heard about before:
> std::basic_ofstream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> >::`vbase 
> destructor'(void)" (??_D?$basic_ofstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ) 
> already defined in SpatialProperties.obj
> I found, surprisingly enough, that giving vpb::LogFile an empty destructor 
> made the error go away.  Would it be possible to add an empty destructor to 
> the master copy of the source code?  I can't see how it would hurt other 
> OSes....
> Keith Steiger
> (who doesn't know how Subversion does the equivalent of a pull request)
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