Hi Keith,

Please search the forum/mailing list.
This topic has been raised quite a few times.

Please add /FORCE:Multiple to your linker options for the complaining module/linking application.

@Robert, I think the option might be added to the CMakeList to fix this at least for VPB.

I needed to get VPB working on Windows (Visual Studio 2010), and I ran into a 
bizarre compiler error that I'm sure you've heard about before:

std::basic_ofstream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> >::`vbase 
destructor'(void)" (??_D?$basic_ofstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEXXZ) already 
defined in SpatialProperties.obj

I found, surprisingly enough, that giving vpb::LogFile an empty destructor made 
the error go away.  Would it be possible to add an empty destructor to the 
master copy of the source code?  I can't see how it would hurt other OSes....

Keith Steiger
(who doesn't know how Subversion does the equivalent of a pull request)

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