
I have created a class which shall display two views of the same scene
based on osgViewer::Viewer.

The two views are rendered by two HUD cameras with a corresponding RTT
camera. The first RTT-camera is set to be the master-camera in the Viewer,
and the rest of the cameras are added as slaves.

The second viewport is displayed correctly but the first one seem to be
locked in origo.  I have tried to investigate the viewmatrix of the
master-camera but from its value it shall be on another position.

The master-camera is assigned a projection-matrix and view-matrix before it
is set to the viewer (setCamera). I also assign a camera-manipulator to
control its behaivor. If I remove the assigned CameraManipulator, the
master-camera falls outside the world.

How should I setup the above system approperiate?

Kind regards
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