Hi Nick,
   This is only the very simple methods to provide the full(90%) convert,if
not use GLSL shader parts,if you also want use GLSL shades,I know a new
tool can convert GLSL to HLSL,Have some suggestions:
   1.If you want to use this in OSG MT static Mode,minor osg lines changes
is need.
   2.If you want to write directx codes in osg,you need to use OSG MT Mode.
   3.Currently please use only .ive files only ,this can ensure run
successful,otherwise,such as .osg,.osgt files have problems,in theory the
.osg and .ive file is equal,i haven't times in this aspect to dig the
   thank all of you kindly.
   Learned osg five months

2014-06-28 5:37 GMT+08:00 Trajce Nikolov NICK <trajce.nikolov.n...@gmail.com

> I tried it at my end as well. Well, I think Mr. Zhu (?) deserve credit for
> being the first one that "publicly" tried this after the big and somewhat
> weird marketing. It is just linking osg against gldirect library and you
> can run osg now on XBox :-) (Robert? :-)). I read all the nice defensive
> thoughts from the community about language barriers, cultural differences
> etc.(which afterall made me feel bad since I commented in not so friendly
> fashion), still thinking that Mr. Zhu (?)  could have been nice to the
> community as well by not making such a big noise and describing it in just
> a line of nice email and to not make the curious from the community to
> download 1.1GB of compiled all of OSG where just a link (or built) gldirect
> would be enough
> Nick
> Nick
> On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 9:25 PM, Thomas Hogarth <thomas.hoga...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I've deleted the binaries and am uploading the binaries.
>> It's just osg built with all the example etc again that mesa lib.
>> ------------------
>> Read this topic online here:
>> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=60007#60007
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> --
> trajce nikolov nick
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