
Searching forum i've found such topic 
http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?t=5758, which is quite similar to 
my problem, however does not solved my issue. I'm trying to write functionality 
to remove node with all subnodes, but cannot get it to work. Assign NULL to 
shared pointer (as stated in above thread) doesn't work. Could someone clarify 
things a little bit? Is it enough to set pointer to NULL to remove object from 
scene tree? Or i need also to call removeChild method as well? I want also 
implement possibility to move part of scene tree from one node to another (e.g. 
move geode from one group to another, have widget to do that), so this is quite 
important for me - because if i need to call removeChild it would complicate 
code, maybe there is simpler way to do that?

Thank you!


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