Hi Émeric

On 9/24/2014 1:03 PM, Émeric MASCHINO wrote:

What's the best practice regarding OSG deployment on Windows? Indeed,
several plug-ins depend on external libraries. Is it best to put the
required DLLs in OSG_ROOT\bin\osgPlugins-X.Y.Z or rather in
OSG_ROOT\bin, thus ensuring that OSG_ROOT\bin is in the PATH so that
the plug-ins can find them?

I load all of the DLLs I need related to OSG at application startup (using a specific path and LoadLibrary()), and then call osgDB::Registry::instance ()->setLibraryFilePathList (std::string ());

See osgDB::appendPlatformSpecificLibraryFilePaths() for the list of paths that would otherwise be searched without the function call mentioned above.

Obviously, this comes at a cost since you have to know which DLLs to preload ahead of time.


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