Hi, Robert

Thanks for your advice! I finally got back to this issue, and did as you 
recommended. I loaded a few of the STL files in the osgviewer application, and 
it had similar strange coloring problems (as seen in the attachment).

As you recommended, I looked at the change in the source code between version 
3.0 and version 3.2. Indeed, there were some changes pertaining to the normal 
array (I would add links to the commit history, but I am currently forbidden 
from including links in my posts). It looks like these changes may have been 
related to BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE being deprecated, because it takes the 
per-triangle normals that are used in the STL file format and then tries to 
extend them to be per-vertex.

I decided to print out the normals that the OSG node has for the STL files, and 
I found an interesting mixture of normals that were perfectly fine along with 
normals that were very bad, as in the magnitude of each normal was very far 
from 1 (many had a magnitude of 0, ~1e-42, ~1e+32, and a few were even NaN). 
This makes me think that they're uninitialized. Grabbing a few random STL files 
from around the internet produces similar results. I think this would explain 
much about the strange coloration, especially the way many vertices seem to 
drop to pitch black or be extremely bright for no apparent reason.

A few things I've noticed... Even though this is in the STL plugin source code:



The values that I'm seeing are not consistently triple repeats. I'm using the 
code in the .cpp file that I've attached, and I get the following print out 
using an STL file that I'm testing with (this print out is truncated because it 
would be hundreds of lines):

> Got a Group
> Got a Geode
> Got vertex array (718)
> Got normal array (718)
> #0    (1)     -0.111759 -0.993735 0
> #1    (1)     -0.111759 -0.993735 0
> #2    (1)     -0 0 -1
> #3    (1)     0 0 -1
> #4    (1)     0 0 -1
> #5    (1)     -0 0 -1
> #6    (1)     -0 0 -1
> #7    (1)     -0 0 -1
> #8    (1)     -0 0 -1
> #9    (1)     0 0 -1
> #10   (1)     -0 -0 -1
> #11   (1)     0 0 -1
> #12   (1)     -0 0 -1
> #13   (1)     0 0 -1
> #14   (1)     0 0 -1
> #15   (1)     0 0 -1
> #16   (1)     0 -0 -1
> #17   (1)     0 0 -1
> #18   (1)     0 -0 -1
> #19   (1)     0 0 -1
> #20   (1)     0 0 -1
> #21   (1)     0 0 -1
> ...

The source code in the STL plugin suggests that we should see triples of each 
normal vector, but that's not quite what we seem to be getting. Also, 
strangely, the vertex array count and the normal array count seem to have a 
size that's NOT divisible by 3, but this varies from file to file. Most files 
produce a vertex & normal array that's divisible by 3, but not all. In every 
case so far, the size of the vertex array and size of the normal array match 
each other.

I think I've dug into the matter about as much as my level of expertise is 
capable. I strongly suspect there is something wrong with the way surface 
normals are being stored or accessed, and I think this is causing the strange 
darkness/shininess. Would there be a better place for me to post about this 

Thanks for any advice or suggestions you can offer!


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